Moscow already has the largest electric bus fleet in Europe in terms of the number of electric buses produced in Russia, especially at the SVARZ eco-plant. Two new articulated electric buses are currently being tested in the city.
The main goal of Moscow is to make sure that the most modern, technologically advanced and environmentally friendly transport operates in all the Moscow districts. In July 1, 2022, the first in Russia and the largest in Europe electric bus fleet of the Moscow Transport has started operating on the territory of the New Moscow district.
The new electric bus fleet is designed for 300 large-class electric buses. In case of the necessity, the fleet is also able to serve ordinary buses of the extra-large capacity as well as buses for pupils transportation.
“The Moscow Mayor Sergey Sobyanin instructed to launch the operation of the electric buses in all the districts of the city. To meet the goal, we opened the country's first and Europe's largest electric bus fleet in the New Moscow. Passengers of the New Moscow will start using eco-friendly surface public transport for the first time, thus the transport will become better for more than 500,000 residents. The first electric buses have already hit the streets of the Troitsk city and the nearest settlements,” — noted Maksim Liksutov, the Deputy Mayor of Moscow for Transport.
The park will be developed in several stages. In July 2022, there will be 34 electric buses operating on 6 routes. At the second stage, in December 2022, nearly 100 electric buses will be operating on 10 electric bus routes. At the end of 2023, the fleet will consist of 300 electric buses operating on 26 electric bus routes of the New Moscow.
Now, at the first stage, there have been created 500 workplaces. After reaching the full capacity of the electric bus fleet, it will be able to organize over 1,600 workplaces there.
“The new e-bus fleet has become the largest among all the fleets of SUE Mosgortrans. In cooperation with Russian manufacturers of electric buses, we will continue to develop the surface public eco-transport. The Moscow partners KAMAZ and GAZ Group have already delivered more than 1,000 modern electric buses to the Russian capital. The first Russian electric bus fleet will consist of 300 electric buses operating in the New Moscow. Besides, under the life-cycle service contracts, the electric buses operated in the fleet will be serviced by the manufacturers,” – said Nikolay Asaul, the CEO of SUE Mosgortrans.
The new e-bus fleet is an environmentally friendly organisation. Due to the use of electric buses in the New Moscow, CO2 emissions will be reduced by 18.2 thousand tons’ year. Besides, the new e-bus fleet will help to reduce the dead mileage of vehicles by more than 400,000 vehicle kilometres per year for the bus routes currently serving New Moscow district. This will significantly reduce fuel costs, while more surface public transport will operate on the routes. Moreover, drivers will be able to save up to 2 hours of working time when making dead running. The total savings from the reduction of dead mileage will be more than 180 million rubles a year (=3,2 million $).
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